Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sec2 Camp Day1 (2E8)

From Aravind:

The first thing we did at the campsite was building our tents. The instructors showed us an example and we followed it to build our own tents. It was very clear that teamwork was very important.

After that we had lunch. The food was not too bad. No one complained but the queue was very long. Next we did some class bonding games like, Using 2 planks to get us from one side to another and the leap of faith in which we had to fall back with trust that our friends would catch us. Many were scared to just fall back but they did and were happy they were caught. This activity made our class closer and it made us trust one another. It taught us to work as one instead of working as individuals.

Next we have some high element activities. We were split into 2 as half of the class was supposed to the do flying fox while the other did abseiling. Even though many were scared everyone finished the task. People managed to conquer their fear of heights. With our friend’s support it made us more confident. Rock climbing was also one of the high element activities. Many did well on climbing the rock wall. Atika and Rose managed to represent the girls in doing well in climbing the wall. They even managed to climb higher than some boys. The boys also did well as Zhi Jun and Zi Han managed to climb up almost three quarter of the wall.

From Denise and Xin Le

The first thing we did after reaching the destination is to build our tents. It shows that teamwork is so important to us. Although it is very tiring but most of us manage to build up the tents.
After that we had lunch.

We had class bonding games such as passing messages around one another and Leap of Faith which we had to trust our friends.
After that some of us did zip line and abseiling. Many of us conquer our fears and enjoyed ourselves very much.

The last thing we did was the night walk, we had to pass down the messages from the instructor as there was no lighting and our instructor was the only one who could see using the light sticks. Along the way, there were many obstacles but we managed to overcome all of them.

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