Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sec2 Camp Day3 (2E8)

Zhi jun

The event that I enjoy the most is the camp fire. I enjoy the campfire because I like the cheers and songs not only that, I also learn how to respect by paying attention to then one who is talking. The whole class also put in a lot of efforts in the performance. The most fun part of the campfire is when two people of each class go to the front and dance around the fire. They need to copy the instructors dance moves.

The event that I most enjoyed on day 3 was the campfire. We did cheers and also learnt new cheers. Even though most of us were tired and exhausted from the CIP event, all of us had fun. There was also a dance competition in campfire. I think it was funny. Even though our class did not win the dance competition we cheered for the other class. From the campfire I learnt to appreciate others and be cooperative with my classmates. I also got to know my classmates more.

I enjoy the most during the CIP event. During our walk, we did some cheer to maintain our mood and would not get tired easily. We also played games along our way to our stations.
We encouraged each other not to give up easily because we are exhausted after the long walk.
I have learnt about the true meaning of self-confidence. Having confidence is a very important value, without confidence we give up even before we even try the activity.

The event I enjoyed the most during day 3 is the CIP event. We did cheers and games with the lead of our friends. Even though it was a long walk and it was a very tiring event I think I enjoyed the most because of our friends. We cooperated with each other and completed all the tasks and even arrived back at the camp much earlier than the other classes. I felt very proud of our class. From this walk, I learnt about the importance of friends.

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